


在安大略省一直享有很高的名誉和声望, 我们拥有着广泛的客户群体,包括警察,律师,法官和各方面的专业人士及家人。服务面覆盖温沙到渥太华。


有一位好的律师是有效保护个人权利的利益的关键因素。每位客户从第一个电话起, 就能感受到我们热情细致的服务。所有条款,费用和各种方案都会详细地解释给您. 为客户提供满意的法律服务是我们矢志不渝的目标,TADLegal Services始终以客户的需求为关注焦点,为客户提供最专业、最优质、最高效的全方位法律服务。

We are Experienced and Deal with Most Aspects of Commercial and Private Client Laws

Provided Services

Small Claims Court

Civil Matters

Debt Collection

Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Benefits Claims (SABS)

Workplace and Safety

Insurance Board (WSIB)

Landlord and Tenant Board

Dispute matters

Repair and Storage Liens

Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.


Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.

Refugee and Immigration Board

Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.

Citizenship, Family Sponsorship, Visas

Simply dummy text of the printing type industry.